
Friday, April 6, 2012

Scholarship Advice from a Scholar: Part 9

#9. Don't stress out over incoming freshman scholarships. 

Guess what? You can apply and re-apply for scholarships every year of college, not just your freshman year. In fact some scholarships are specifically meant for sophomores, juniors, and seniors. So if you don't get the scholarship you wanted this year, apply for it again. The scholarship that I won from the Hispanic College Fund, the NASA MUST scholarship (a scholarship plus internship at any NASA facility), I didn't win until my second time applying. And by that time, I was a sophomore in college so I had more grades and experiences that I could include in my application. When you apply for scholarships later in college, high school grades and SAT score don't matter as much anymore; some scholarships don’t even request that information. So it’s to your benefit to get good grades and be involved in extracurricular activities while in college since this will boost your scholarship applications in the future.

To see the entire "Scholarship Advice" series, click here.

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