
Monday, April 30, 2012

I found some money for current STEM college students . . .read on or pass to a friend!

This professional organization, and many like it, has an education foundation which sponsors many worthwhile activities and scholarships.  The Armed Forces Communication & Electronics Association has several scholarships still available to currently enrolled college students.  Read more about it here and here.  The following is taken from their website for your information.

The AFCEA Central Maryland Chapter (CMD) is a growing and dynamic, non-profit professional organization for Information Technology professionals. As a Chapter of AFCEA International, AFCEA-CMD serves the military, government, industry, and academia as an ethical forum for advancing professional knowledge and relationships in the fields of communications, IT, intelligence, and global security.

Our Chapter strives to be the premier local intelligence association, providing the structure and interactive forum for networking and idea sharing to strengthen the public/private partnership supporting the Intelligence Community. We pride ourselves on helping to foster the Intelligence Community’s future leaders through considerable college scholarship programs.

The Chapter's primary mission is serving our community through raising funds to support merit-based scholarships. Central Maryland has over 1,450 members and serves Baltimore City and five counties: Anne Arundel, Baltimore, Carroll, Harford, and Howard.

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