
Saturday, April 7, 2012

Scholarship Advice from a Scholar: Part 10

#10. Apply for as many scholarships as you can. 

In the old volleyball scoring system, points could only be scored by the serving team. My highschool volleyball coach would say, “If you miss your serve then you can’t score points.” She used this to encourage us to practice our serves over and over and over. Since then volleyball rules have changed so that any team can score points no matter which team served the ball. So the saying changed to, “If you miss your serve, the other team scores points.” This was an even bigger incentive to practice serving so that you never made a mistake. And nobody, no matter what sport you play, wants the other team to win just because you made a mistake.

So how does this relate to scholarships? When encouraging others to apply for scholarships, I have heard the excuse countless times--"I won't win the scholarship, so why waste my time applying?” To which my response always is, “If you don’t apply, you definitely won’t win.” You don’t know who the other applicants are; you don’t even know how many applicants there are. You may be a great candidate (or maybe you’re not), but it you never put yourself in the running you’ll never have the chance to even be considered. So when in doubt, just apply for it! Who knows, you could be the winner! The more scholarships you apply for the better your chances of winning one.

To see the entire "Scholarship Advice" series, click here.

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