
Friday, March 30, 2012

Scholarship Advice from a Scholar: Part 2

#2. Apply for scholarships that have a narrow eligibility. 

You are most likely to win a scholarship that has a specific eligibility instead of being open to everyone in the nation. This narrows down the pool of applicants so you have a better chance of being chosen. It is also great to apply for scholarships that are targeted for minorities. Wait, you’re not a minority? Surprisingly, one of the biggest scholarships that I received was from the Hispanic College Fund (HCF). I am not hispanic, but this one scholarship was open to everyone. But because most people assume HCF only gives scholarships to hispanic students, you don’t have to compete with such a large number of applicants.

Look for scholarships that are limited by:

Race: If you are Hispanic, Asian, Native American, or African American, these are perfect for you. And even you are just “white”; many minority scholarships are open to you as well!

Gender: This mainly applies to the girls (sorry, boys!). There is a strong focus on getting more women involved in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) fields. If you are a girl interested in any of these areas of study, take advantage of scholarships that are just for women.

Major: Look for scholarships that are only open to students with your major or interest. More on this later.

Location: Look for scholarships that are only open to students in your city, county, or state. More on this later.

Some websites to check out:
National Society of Hispanic MBA (NSHMBA)
National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE)
United Negro College Fund

To see the entire "Scholarship Advice" series, click here.

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