
Sunday, March 4, 2012

Discover Agriculture and Discover Engineering Programs at UMCP

There's no better place to learn about college majors than at college! Here are two examples in my local area, but most community colleges and universities host similar programs in the spring and summer. Subscribe to your local high school's newsletters and your nearby colleges for up-to-date information.

Discover Engineering at Maryland Day is April 28, 2012!

Discover Engineering is a FREE half-day event for high school students interested in engineering. It is brought to you by the UMD Chapter of Society of Women Engineers. There will be hands-on engineering activities, an engineering student panel and professional speakers. Breakfast, lunch and a free T-shirt are included. To register visit

2012 AgDiscovery Program is a 2-4 week outreach program which targets middle and high school students who are interested in learning about agriculture. Students who are chosen to participate will be housed on a college campus and will gain experience through hands-on labs, workshops and field trips. These sessions are taught by university professors, scientists, veterinarians, and other university and federal government subject matter professionals. There is not cost to participate in the program, but participants are responsible for their own transportation (i.e. airfare, taxi, etc.) The deadline for application is March 16, 2012. Students who are selected will be notified by April 30, 2012. University of Maryland College Park is one of the colleges hosting the AgDiscovery program. For additional information and to apply online please visit the AgDiscovery website at

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