
Saturday, March 31, 2012

Scholarship Advice from a Scholar: Part 3

#3. Apply for scholarships that are specific to your field or major.

Professional societies often give scholarships and this is a great place to start. I received a scholarship through SWE, the Society of Women Engineers. Many of these scholarships are offered just to students in certain majors or even minorities in certain majors. If you are passionate about your field of study and can convince everyone else in your essay, you are more likely to win these types of scholarships.

Here are many engineering societies that I am familiar with (but there are many for humanities as well!):

Society of Women Engineers
National Society of Professional Engineers
Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers
National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE)
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
International Council on Systems Engineering
American Society of Mechanical Engineers
American Institute of Chemical Engineers
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
American Society for Engineering Education
American Society of Civil Engineers

To see the entire "Scholarship Advice" series, click here.

This site lists scholarships available to students with various limitations . . .


Friday, March 30, 2012

Scholarship Advice from a Scholar: Part 2

#2. Apply for scholarships that have a narrow eligibility. 

You are most likely to win a scholarship that has a specific eligibility instead of being open to everyone in the nation. This narrows down the pool of applicants so you have a better chance of being chosen. It is also great to apply for scholarships that are targeted for minorities. Wait, you’re not a minority? Surprisingly, one of the biggest scholarships that I received was from the Hispanic College Fund (HCF). I am not hispanic, but this one scholarship was open to everyone. But because most people assume HCF only gives scholarships to hispanic students, you don’t have to compete with such a large number of applicants.

Look for scholarships that are limited by:

Race: If you are Hispanic, Asian, Native American, or African American, these are perfect for you. And even you are just “white”; many minority scholarships are open to you as well!

Gender: This mainly applies to the girls (sorry, boys!). There is a strong focus on getting more women involved in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) fields. If you are a girl interested in any of these areas of study, take advantage of scholarships that are just for women.

Major: Look for scholarships that are only open to students with your major or interest. More on this later.

Location: Look for scholarships that are only open to students in your city, county, or state. More on this later.

Some websites to check out:
National Society of Hispanic MBA (NSHMBA)
National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE)
United Negro College Fund

To see the entire "Scholarship Advice" series, click here.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Scholarship Advice from a Scholar: Part 1

Scholarships can feel overwhelming, especially when you are an entering freshman and have so much other stuff to do—finals, college applications, etc. Applying for scholarships requires a lot of dedication and organization, but it is definitely worth the work because it can end up saving you tons of money for your college education. But remember that applying for scholarships is always a risk. You may put in a lot of effort to write a really good essay and application, but you might not get chosen or win any money.

Key: Apply for scholarships that you are most likely to win, or that you are very passionate about, and apply for as many as possible.

As a recent graduate who has been through the scholarship mayhem, I put together some tips and advice that I learned based on my personal experience that I think will be most beneficial to all other students currently seeking and applying for scholarships. This will be a 10-part series where I will post 1 piece of advice per day for the next 10 days. If you want to see the entire series at once, click here. I am also open to answering any questions that you might have regarding specific scholarships or the scholarship application process. Just write your question in the comment section below.

Let’s get started!

#1. Use the internet (and books) to your advantage.

There are lots of scholarship resources online that are very helpful if you know where to look. These sites compile many scholarships into an easy to use database and offer helpful advice. One of the sites that I found most helpful was You sign up, enter in some info about yourself and your interests, and it will automatically find scholarships for you that you are eligible for. It is free and regularly updated. I found several scholarships that I didn't know about through this site.

Some other websites to check out:

There are also lots of books available about scholarships and how to pay for school. Check out your local library!

These are some great books for guidance:

-The Ultimate Scholarship Book 2012: Billions of Dollars in Scholarships, Grants, and Prizes by Gen & Kelly Tanabe
-Get Free Cash for College: Secrets to Winning Scholarships by Gen & Kelly Tanabe
-How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay by Gen & Kelly Tanabe
-College Board's 2012 Scholarship Handbook

When it comes to scholarships, research is the first place to start. So happy hunting!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Trades Alternative

EDUCATION | Parents are reluctant to hear it, but college may no longer offer the best path of opportunity for a great many young people | Joel Hannahs

IOWA and ILLINOIS—The conventional wisdom says a 21-year-old should have a college degree to have the best shot at landing a job in a tough job market. But today's unemployment landscape is hardly conventional. It may be that your high-school classmate who tinkered in the garage and became a mechanic might have been on to something.

The sweet spot in a sour jobs market can be found where targeted education meets grime on the fingers. The marketplace's natural balance of supply and demand is at work, bringing back an old alternative to college: learning a trade. Skilled trade workers are in demand, and that demand is set to rise.

Testifying before the U.S. Senate last year, Mike Rowe—the rugged host of television's Dirty Jobs—said nearly a half million trade jobs are out there for the taking across the United States. That sets up a huge dichotomy in a struggling economy: People can't find jobs, and yet, good jobs can't find qualified people.

With national unemployment at 8.3 percent, these are unfilled jobs that demand trade skills and certification, not a liberal arts education. As Rowe said, "We're surprised that high unemployment can exist at the same time as a skilled labor shortage. We shouldn't be. We've pretty much guaranteed it."

Despite reminders about other avenues to a good living, many high-school students and their parents still tend toward the college option, no matter the student's aptitude. Mary Gibb has been at Valley High School in West Des Moines, Iowa, for 14 years, and heads up the counseling department. In this relatively affluent area, she sees many students ignoring tech courses, and she frets that students who don't get a hands-on opportunity to try skills such as electronics might never realize they like the field: "I see the problem getting worse before it gets better."

Aaron Haunhorst, one of the owners of Professional Labor Support in Illinois, says the shortage of skilled labor is no myth, yet most recent high-school graduates are not aware of the possibilities. Haunhorst notes that highly skilled welders of alloyed materials, or top industrial electricians at major manufacturing plants, often clear $100,000-plus yearly incomes.

Alicia Martin, CEO of Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC) of Illinois, represents 325 non-union employers in the state: She says contractors are steadily looking for and hiring qualified people for needed trades. Her association is in the mix, offering its own certification and apprentice program for a journeyman's card, and often matching up workers with member contractors.

For a trade-minded teen or young adult, it's a route to steady pay for a lot less time in class and far less tuition cost: "Our program is a bargain," Martin says. "[These skills] are going to be a big need. We are an alternative to college, and we want to get the word out to high-school guidance counselors." Companies like Professional Labor Support use the ABC training program to supply skilled labor to contractors.

Students who complete one of the 130 vocational programs at Des Moines Area Community College (DMACC) are also in good shape, says Jacki Boldt, student employment specialist: "These students typically have jobs before they graduate." DMACC's one- and two-year training programs lead to certifications for various electronics specialties, along with diesel, welding, and tool and die jobs. Placement is often with businesses hiring one or two workers at a time, but major employers like John Deere Co. also come knocking: Graduates with two or more related skill sets are particularly desirable.

Growing interest in trade fields is not news to Gary Senff, welding instructor at Central Community College in Columbia, Neb. The college added another welding teacher last year, and added classes two more nights a week to accommodate growing interest. Employers call him "all the time," he says: "It's a growing career. I believe the wages are going to go up. People are retiring out, too." Rowe of Dirty Jobs emphasized that changing of the guard in his congressional testimony: Many "baby boomer" tradesmen are getting set to hang up their tools, and not enough young people are stepping into these trades to replace them.

Pointing young people toward a skill set they can enjoy and use to find work is a niche many schools seem unable to fill. In Des Moines, the Freedom for Youth ministry (winner of WORLD's 2010 award for Effective Compassion) reaches some 200 middle- and high-school youths. "We teach them work skills," director Mark Nelson emphasizes, in a way that's "centered on Christ. He has given you gifts and abilities. Let's see what those are and get after it."

Young people job shadow, visit DMACC vocational classes, and get to work at welding and other tasks. Middle-school kids build "chopper" bicycles and take them home, with the creative process of making a bike opening their eyes. They begin to learn what Nelson emphasizes: "God never said one job was better than the other."

This article is taken in its entirety from:

See Coach Shenk's Blog, VGW for Teens and Parents, at for more scholarship articles!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Scholarship for Student Bloggers

Today I just googled "scholarship blogs" in the hopes of finding more information to share with you and to learn more about where to find money!

Look what I found:

What have you found lately?

Do you like to make lists?

I like lists: the Guinness Book of World Records , the NY Times best seller's lists, honey-do lists, chore charts, top 10 survival skills list, etc. But I really, really like to cross things off from a list. Especially a "to do" list! Even if you don't share my enthusiasm--this group of links is still worth your time and consideration. Imagine if you devoted some of your Facebook stalking to Scholarship searching? Are you ready for the challenge?                      


Did you know that local PTAs offer scholarships?

I read this one today in the Howard County Public School newsletter. While this scholarship only applies to Howard County students, (and you guys better apply!)---most PTA organizations sponsor similar programs. Have you subscribed to your local school's newsletter? Do it!

PTA Council Scholarships

Application deadline: Apr. 15
Students seeking college financial assistance are encouraged to apply for a PTA scholarship in any of the following categories: academic, teacher education, community service, and trade/technical/2-year associates program. Application forms are available in every high school guidance office and online.

Scholarship Committee
Chair: Carolyn Folger

PTA Council annually awards approx. 8 scholarships of the following scholarships to graduating seniors from Howard County high schools
4 year Academic Scholarship ($2000)
4 year Teacher Education Scholarship ($2000)
Dr. C. Ecker Community Service Scholarship ($500)
Goedeke 2 year education program for any community/junior college, trade or technical school ($500)

The deadline for applications is April 15th
Scholarship Application

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Discover Agriculture and Discover Engineering Programs at UMCP

There's no better place to learn about college majors than at college! Here are two examples in my local area, but most community colleges and universities host similar programs in the spring and summer. Subscribe to your local high school's newsletters and your nearby colleges for up-to-date information.

Discover Engineering at Maryland Day is April 28, 2012!

Discover Engineering is a FREE half-day event for high school students interested in engineering. It is brought to you by the UMD Chapter of Society of Women Engineers. There will be hands-on engineering activities, an engineering student panel and professional speakers. Breakfast, lunch and a free T-shirt are included. To register visit

2012 AgDiscovery Program is a 2-4 week outreach program which targets middle and high school students who are interested in learning about agriculture. Students who are chosen to participate will be housed on a college campus and will gain experience through hands-on labs, workshops and field trips. These sessions are taught by university professors, scientists, veterinarians, and other university and federal government subject matter professionals. There is not cost to participate in the program, but participants are responsible for their own transportation (i.e. airfare, taxi, etc.) The deadline for application is March 16, 2012. Students who are selected will be notified by April 30, 2012. University of Maryland College Park is one of the colleges hosting the AgDiscovery program. For additional information and to apply online please visit the AgDiscovery website at